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Zur Umfrage

Social Enterprise Day

On Social Enterprise Day, SEWF (Social Enterprise World Forum) is holding a virtual event to inspire, engage and connect the global movement. The programme is scheduled across three time blocks to ensure that wherever you are in the world, you can join during your daytime. The programme will spotlight the incredible work of social enterprises around the world, as well as feature collaborative sessions, practical workshops and networking. Join the conversation and connect with hundreds of others globally.

Athena Sandrini, Pexels


Start: 21. November | 7:00 Uhr

Ende: 21. November | 21:30 Uhr

Event Kategorie:



Social Enterprise World Forum



Vorherige Veranstaltung
Social Entrepreneurship Camp 2024
Nächste Veranstaltung
Netzwerktreffen Wirkung